Spaced out rondo is a keep away variation to help players work on staying spread out, offensive shape, and finding good passing angles.
Create a grid divided into six zones as pictured in the diagram. This drill is played as a 6v3 rondo 'keep away' exercise where each player on the team of six must stay in their individual zone. Have a supply of balls ready in order to restart the game quickly in case one goes out of play.
The ball starts with the team of six attackers who try to complete a consecutive number of passes or hold on to the ball for a specific length of time for a point against the three defenders. As mentioned, the attackers are limited to only having one player in each zone.
Several variations of this drill could be played. For example, in one variation players must stay in their own zone at all times, where as another variation could give players the ability to move and 'swap' zones with their teammates quickly. In this variation players must communicate and change at the same time to avoid having multiple players in one zone.
In the event that the team of three defenders wins the ball, they play 3v1 keep away against the player in the zone where they won the ball. If the ball goes out of play, the coach can play a new ball into the team of six.
Rotate players every once in awhile so that defenders stay fresh and that all players get the chance to work on both sides of the ball.
An important consideration for this drill is the size of the zones and the overall grid. More often than not larger spaces make things easier for the team in possession because the defenders have to cover more ground.
This is a great drill for offensive players to work on finding good angles to support their teammates and recieve passes. Encourage players to stay moving in their zones and provide optimal supporting angles.
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We got started with 360Player because we needed to improve our club wide communications. Then we quickly realized how powerful it was to have all the features our club used daily in one convenient place. This platform has completely transformed the way Bradford (Park Avenue) Academy operates.